Miga de Pan

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We may not speak Spanish, but that doesn’t stop us from watching—and enjoying—this lovely movie (above). The beautiful studio, the pencils (and—take note—the rather interesting way of sharpening them), the sketchbook… Not to mention the wonderful way of making a clay teapot or a knitted rhino. The star is Adriana Torres and she lives in Buenos Aires. Under the pseudonym, Miga de Pan, Adriana sells handmade items, writes a nice blog and gives workshops at, among others, Sweet Paul Makerie.

The film below, which shows her embroidering in her studio, is just as beautiful and rather soothing. If there’s one place that really portrays the love of handmade crafting, then it’s in these images. And if you look closely enough, at 1:45, you’ll even catch a glimpse of Flow International.

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Credits upper film: Carolina Colmenero of Kuche. Music: Santiago Parysow.

Credit lower film: Pumping & Pumping