Mikodesign (1/4)

This month’s guest blogs for Flow will be written by Erika from Mikodesign. Here’s the first of her four instalments.

Bonjour, I’m Erika, designer, blogger, mother and a great fan of Paris. From my garden studio, I design (among others) dolls, rabbits, miniature accessories, fabrics, patterns and DIY kits, all of which I sell via my website and in stores around the world. On my blog and Instagram account, you’ll find the things that inspire me as well as the things I make, do and see: from a beautiful boutique in Paris to the craft projects my kids have made.

Being creative is a constant factor in my life. I spend my whole day designing and making. I was a creative child – sewing clothes for my dolls on my grandmother’s old Singer – and I haven’t stopped being creative since. As well as making things myself, I also really enjoy motivating and inspiring others; with tutorials on my blog and the DIY products I make.

I believe in the added value of making your own things from scratch to produce something that is unique and original. This can even be as simple as beautifully wrapping a gift and adding a handwritten card, or personalising a box with stamps. Everyone can be creative!

In the coming weeks, I will be blogging about my great love for Paris, with some nice shopping tips and illustrations. And I’ll take you to my mini-world (a puppet theatre world) with a nice tutorial and much more. In the meantime, you can find me on my blog and Instagram. See you next week!