Mikodesign (2/4)

This month’s guest blogs for Flow will be written by Erika from Mikodesign. Here’s the second of her four instalments, with her two favourite tutorials to get you started.

The dolls I design for my brand Mikodesign also need (of course!) accessories, miniature furniture, outfits and more. Because the dolls aren’t a standard size, it’s not so easy to find ready-made things for them, and what you do come across is usually ugly plastic and shocking pink. So in actual fact, it’s much more fun to create something yourself, or to rummage around the flea markets to look for those unique pieces of doll furniture.
I have managed to collect quite a few mini items, which I then use for photo shoots with the dolls for my blog, website and/or Instagram. Last Christmas, I created a window display for Elle Aime in Rotterdam, which was a mini-version of the beautiful store itself, including a counter, workshop table, craft cabinet, rolls of paper, notebooks and so on. Some of the furniture I already had, while the other items I made from balsa wood, cigar boxes, etc. It was lovely to look for all the bits and pieces and to put everything together. That window display gave me a lovely initial taster of creating such things, and as a result I’ve made other mini-scenes, such as a bedroom, plant shop and fabric store.
If you also fancy making something small, the tutorial below shows you how to make mini-notebooks. And the video tutorial—which is filmed and edited by my 14-year-old daughter Sofia!—shows you how to make a mini pencil.
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Naturally, the notebooks and pencils are not only nice to make for a doll, they’re also great for a snail mail gift. I wish you lots of fun making them.
Next week’s blog will be about my love for Paris, with a few nice shopping tips…