Peaches + Keen

Lily Daley (Graphic designer) and Lucy Hearn (Gold- and silversmith) own a flower and jewelry store, just outside Melbourne, Australia called Peaches + Keen. We’ve interviewed the pair for issue 13. Below you can read a preview of the article.

How did you meet? And what’s your working relationship like?
We met at art school in 2003. Lily then went on to study visual communication and Lucy studied gold- and silversmithing. We have always admired each other’s work and have a similar aesthetic, so it made sense for us to combine our skills, have lots of fun and make beautiful things together. Our working relationship is totally intertwined with our friendship and our families. We are incredibly lucky that this works for us—we couldn’t imagine life any other way now. Over the years, we’ve shared our skills so that we can now work together on everything. Collaboration is the key.

In issue 13 you can read more about Peaches + Keen and their work.

Interview Nina Siegal Photography Peaches + Keen & Lauren Bamford (portrait)