The illustrations of Miranda Sofroniou

Miranda Sofroniou

She lives in Melbourne, Australia, and for her illustrations she is often inspired by travel and adventure. Miranda Sofroniou about her work. 

What are you up to?
“I’m busy working on my first children’s book, with a few more in the pipeline, which is really exciting! I’ve also recently moved into a new house with a big garden for growing veggies and flowers.”

How would you describe your work?
“My designs are all hand-painted. I’m hugely inspired by travel and adventure. My illustrations reflect spontaneous moments, and conjure a sense of place, creating a world in which the viewer can step inside. I enjoy experimenting with different media, mixing gouache and watercolor paints with pencil crayons to create playful designs celebrating color and pattern.”

What do you enjoy most about your work as an illustrator?
“I love the freedom of being self-employed; I can set my own schedule and work when it suits me. That is ideal for my creativity, because on some days I feel really inspired and very into the project I am working on, while on other days I don’t. On those days I do the less fun things, like my administration. I also love working on such a variety of projects; it is never boring.”

What does an average work day look like for you?
“I am a morning person, so I like to get up early. I start the day by doing some exercise. That is very good for my mental state and necessary, because I spend the rest of the day at my desk. After an espresso and replying to emails, I get into the studio for a full day of painting.”

You grew up in the UK. How did you end up in Melbourne?
“My partner and I were living in London, and we just got a bit worn down by living in such a big city and fancied a change. I have always wanted to live abroad and was attracted by the outdoorsy lifestyle of Australia and the creativity of Melbourne. It’s a city where everyone follows their passions and it is possible to start and grow your own creative business. It has been such a big change and venture and I am really grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way.”

  • More creatives tell about their work in Issue 33.

Interview Jeannette Jonker, Eva Loesberg