Making paper plants

Corrie Beth Hogg (40) is an artist and designer from New York, US. Her new book Handmade Houseplants has just been released, and here she tells us a little more about how this special project came about.

How did your paper plants end up in this book?
“I was contacted by the publisher, Timber Press, which was a dream come true! I worked on it together with Christine Han, who is an amazing photographer, and it took about 2.5 years to make, from the moment of conception to the publish date. It includes 30 plant tutorials and over 250 photos, so it took a fair bit of time to create everything and plan out each photo.”

What drives you to make these paper plants and, consequently, this book?
“I’ve been a maker my whole life and I love sharing what I know and what I’ve learned. For several years now, I have been putting tutorials together online, so it was a natural step for me to make a book. It’s a nice bonus that everyone loves houseplants; and it means that this book is great for people who don’t have a green thumb and those who enjoy crafting.”

Do you have a favorite paper plant?
“My longtime favorite is the Rex Begonia Vine. I love the dark green and purple of the plant, with the delicate painted details. I think I am partial to it as I really love the real plant too. It is sculptural yet feminine, and I love that it can grow really big yet maintain its graceful gestures. In the paper version, you can achieve those same gestures and movement of the vines by simply bending the wires. The leaves are also beautiful all on their own and look lovely as a single specimen in a bud vase or to adorn a wrapped gift.”

Handmade Houseplants: Remarkably Realistic Plants You Can Make with Paper
by Corrie Beth Hogg, and photographs by Christine Han, Timber Press

  • To find out more about, and see more from, Corrie and her book, take a look on her website.