Corrie’s Collection on Pinterest

Corrie Beth Hogg

Throughout September, designer Elizabeth Olwen shared a vibrant collection of images on our Pinterest board. Patterns, typography, illustrations and art in all the colors of the rainbow. Many thanks Elizabeth! This month, paper artist Corrie Beth Hogg will take over from her.

Corrie uses Pinterest every day. “It’s the best way to keep track of everything and see how things are working together. Before Pinterest, I used to make word documents with links under each photo… it was so much work! I make paper plants, and I use Pinterest to save images of plants for my inspiration. I scour the Internet, searching garden-center websites, seed catalogs and botanical-garden sites, searching for photos of the plants I love and want to make from paper. I save them all and reference them often when I sit down to craft.”

As our guest pinner for October, Corrie will be sharing a mixture of images that she finds beautiful. These will include lots of ‘paper crafts’, as well as interiors, plants, illustrations and patterns.

  • You can follow Corrie’s Pinterest board here.
  • You can still admire Elizabeth’s pins and those of our previous guest pinners on our Pinterest page.
  • If you would like to see more from Corrie Beth Hogg, you can visit her website or read our interviews with her here and here.
  • Corrie has also published a book, Handmade Houseplants, with photos by Christine Han.

Photo Corrie: Christine Han